The Nithi Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (NIWASCO), was incorporated on 6th April,2006 under the Companies Act, Cap 486 and as well as operate as an agent of County government of Tharaka Nithi as per water Act 2016 (Section 77a). Currently the company is licensed by WASREB as per the same Act 2016 (Section 72(1)) unlike previous Service Provision Agreement (SPA) of November 2012. NIWASCO being an agent of Tharaka Nithi County is mandated to provide water and sanitation services to residents of Chuka-Igambang’ombe,Maara, Tharaka South, Tharaka North and Chiakariga Sub-counties. The company is currently covering 48% of its area of jurisdiction and is expected to grow to 73% within the strategic plan period 2022-2027.

NIWASCO area covers the following administrative sub-counties in Tharaka Nithi County namely Chuka, Igambang’ombe, Tharaka North, Tharaka South, Chiakariga and parts of Maara sub counties.

  • To manage water resources, meet water supply and sanitation needs and customer expectations in the future.
  • Nithi Water and Sanitation Company is -Provide reliable, adequate, safe and affordable water and sanitation services within Tharaka Nithi County.
  • To provide Quality, Affordable and Reliable water and Sanitation services to our customers in order to sustain healthy communities through effective resource mobilization and proper asset management.

Dial *873*58# To Check and Pay your water bills.

We make it easier for our customers to make payments by:
Sending bills with notification indicating date due to avoid disconnection.

Pay your water bill using paybill number 901325,for Chuka,Chogoria,Kathwana and Mutonga customers.

For Kibunga customer paybill number is 802064

Pay your water bill conveniently at any Postbank Branch or Mashinani Agent countrywide.

You can now pay your water bill at any of the post bank branches or agents countrywide

You can make payments at any Co-op Bank or Agents Countrywide.

You can now pay your water bill at any of the equity bank branches or agents countrywide.

Payment plan

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*Quick actions

Filling of application forms for new connections.

The Customer care desk will always be available to guide every applicant on how to fill the form correctly.

A survey is carried out at customer’s premises by  Meter reader and line patroller so as to determine the requirements needed.

Customer will be required to make payments and installation process kicks off.

Every customer is provided with a meter upon payment of a refundable deposit as per our tariffs.

During the installation of a new connection, the customer will be guided on  how to maintain the service line, meter protection and what to do incase of water leaks and economical use of water.

The customer will receive his or her first bill within one month from the connection date.

Our aim is to ensure each and every customer enjoy our services without interruption, but ensuring customer has adequate time to pay. These include;

  • Ensuring customer receives his/her bill on time.
  • Ensuring bill posted are clearly indicating deadline date.
  • 14 days is given for customer to have cleared his/her water bill.
  • Before disconnection is done to ensure all payments are up-to-date.
  • During disconnection if a customer produces proof of payment such as receipts, effect the re-connection of service.
  • First disconnection to be effected through a rubber seal.
  • Failure to pay within one month, a disconnection from the main to be effected.


  • Clear full payment of the amount due.
  • Part payment and, signing of agreement to pay the balance by installment.
  • Payment of reconnection fee as per our tariffs
  • Reconnection is done within 24 hours.
  1. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth – this can save 6 litres of water per minute.
  2. Fix a dripping tap. A dripping tap can waste 15 litres of water a day, or 5,500 litres of water a year.
  3. Take a shorter shower. Shower can use anything between 6 and 45 litres per minute
  4. Turn off the tap when washing Dishes. Scrape your dirty dishes into the trash—then put them in the Sink.
Our Branches/Schemes
Chogoria Office:
Customer care line:0723986253
Located near Post Office
Kibunga Office:
Customer care line:0115316094
Located within Chief’s Office
Mutonga Office:
Customer care line:0115286195
Located at Nkarini Market
Kathwana Office:
Customer care line:0723985508
Located behind Kathwana Market

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